Derby Branch Chums to go to London for Old Contemptibles’ Association 50th Anniversary Commemorations – June 1964

Derby Evening Telegraph – 3 June 1964


A three-day visit to London is the exciting prospect for 11 veterans of the 1914-18 War from Derby – all members of Derby Branch of the Old Contemptibles Association, having come under fire in France before November 22, 1914.

The ages of those going range between 70 and 85, and they will be attending the Association’s golden jubilee celebrations.

Following the annual Conference on June 27, at Church House, Westminster, members will be reviewed by the Queen, or in her absence the Duke of Gloucester, at Buckingham Palace.

Branch Aid

The same day they will attend a pageant at the Royal Albert Hall, to which the Princess Royal has been invited. The compere will be Ralph Reader.

On June 28 there will be a memorial service in St Paul’s Cathedral, where the Lord Mayor of London will be present.

Most of the Derby members have been assisted financially by the Branch to enable them to find the £10 minimum required to make the trip.

“About another 11 would like to go, but unfortunately our funds will not allow us to send them,” says the Branch Secretary, Mr H. Blake, of 192 Abbey Street, Derby.

Each member pays 3s. a year subscription, and of this 2s. 6d. is sent to Association headquarters. “It doesn’t leave us much money to play with, be we manage to make a little by organising social evenings and competitions,” adds Mr Blake.

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