Slough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 42, June 1937

The Old Contemptible – No. 42, June 1937

SLOUGH BRANCH. – On Friday evening, April 30th, in the presence of a large gathering of Chums their wives Slough Branch bade farewell to their popular President and his equally popular wife, Colonel J. B. and Mrs Batten, who are leaving Slough for the South of England. The occasion took the form of a presentation to the Colonel and to Mrs Batten. Chum Hing (Chairman of the Branch) presided at the ceremony and was supported by Brig.-General Wroughton, C.B., Colonel Gill, C.M.G., D.S.O., Chum Thos. S. Quick, M.B.E. (Hon. Gen. Sec. of the Association), and a full attendance of Branch Officers. The presentation to Colonel Batten was in the form of a handsome silver salver suitably inscribed and an illuminated address, and to Mrs Batten a very handsome handbag.

Tributes spontaneous and earnest were paid by General Wroughton and Colonel Gill to Colonel and Mrs Batten for the splendid service they have given to the Branch during their six years connection with it and these tributes are echoed by every member of the Slough Branch. It was extremely pleasing and gratifying to the wives of the Chums present, when a special tribute to Mrs Batten from the wives and children was paid by Mrs Mackenzie (wife of Chum Mackenzie) who deputised for Mrs Hing (wife of the Branch Chairman), who was indisposed, who spoke feelingly of Col. and Mrs Batten’s kindness in providing each year a Christmas tree and tea for the wives and children of the Chums. And indeed it was a merry sight on those occasions to see Mrs Batten smilingly gracious and unflurried, efficiently superintending, and Col. Batten, his face expanded in a huge and permanent smile making sure that each child ate enough cake to feed a family – it was really a question as to who enjoyed it the most, the kiddies or Colonel and Mrs Batten.

Colonel Batten, in his reply to the Chairman, said he found it difficult to express his feelings and that as much as he valued the gift he valued far more the spirit and feeling that went with it. There are, he said, no soldiers like the Old Contemptibles and there will never be. Mrs Batten, expressing her thanks, said she should always have very happy memories of the Slough Branch and hoped that one day we would pay them a visit in their new home.

Chum T. S. Quick (Hon. Sec. to Asson.) said that in Slough one found the true spirit of the Association, and also in the Area to which the Branch belonged, due no doubt in a large measure to Col. Batten.

Col. Gill, C.M.G., D.S.O., succeeds Colonel Batten as President of the Slough Branch, and to emulate his predecessor he has made up his mind it will not be an easy task, but our new President I am sure will accomplish it. A successful dance followed and a full evening’s programme ended at 12 midnight.


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