Chums of the Bishop’s Stortford and Hertford Branches meet at Ware – 19 July 1957

Herts and Essex Observer – 26 July 1957

Old Contemptibles Meet at Ware

The Bishop’s Stortford Branch of the Old Contemptibles Association held their meeting on Friday at the French Horn, Ware, where they were welcomed by Mr and Mrs A. Thurgood, their former hosts at the Reindeer Hotel, Bishop’s Stortford.

The Branch’s offspring, the Hertford Branch of the Association, joined in and the two Branches held their meetings together. Many friendships were renewed between members of “The Herts Guards,” the name the 1st Herts Regiment received when they went out to France in November, 1914, and were attached to the 4th Guards Brigade, 2nd Division.

Both Branches intend to repeat this successful evening on future occasions and so help to keep old memories alive and fresh.

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