Hertford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 440, September 1970

The Old Contemptible – No. 440, September 1970

HERTFORD           By the time this appears in print, our parade at “The Shot” will have passed by again, where many old friendships will have been renewed, and Mons, “Wipers”, Somme etc. fought over again. We pray that future generations will not be called upon to face such a trial, during which so many lasting friendships were formed among we “Chums.” If the same spirit prevailed in some sections of the rising generation, the Roundabout Club would not have been vandalised, wherever the hooligans came from. Does it take War’s threat of extermination to make some people live the lives that they should? We are Hertford manage to keep our end up, and interest alive. In common with most Branches, we have our sick Chums – Joyce, Martin, Waller, Proctor, Hart who have to “Live with it”, but do not complain.

Our monthly meetings keep up a good average attendance, thanks to the “Old faithful”, which amply repays the Branch officers who have to be there. It was good to read of our Editor addressing conference for the first time, and so aptly, as our magazine is the pulse of the Association, with Chum George as the doctor with his finger on it.

We at Hertford wish all Chums, good health and fortune until the “End of the road”!


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