Chelmsford Branch Standard Dedicated – 7 October 1934

Essex Chronicle – 12 October 1934

OLD CONTEMPTIBLES’ STANDARD. – Members of the Chelmsford Branch of the Old Contemptibles’ Association attended the opening men’s meeting of the winter session at the Cathedral on Sunday afternoon when the new Standard of the Branch was dedicated by the Provost, the Very Rev. W. E. R. Morrow, Chaplain of the Branch. The members paraded in Market Road, in charge of Chum J. F. Grinham, Vice-President, and, headed by the drums of the 5th Essex Regiment, marched to the Cathedral. The service was conducted by the Provost and the Rev. W. Hatton Davies. The Provost received the Standard at the sanctuary steps and, after offering dedicatory prayers laid it on the altar. In his address, the Provost said they could not forget that it was owing to the indomitable courage and perseverance of the Old Contemptibles in face of tremendous odds that freedom was won for our country. “We do not want to dwell on that part of your work,” the speaker continued, “We rather want you to realise that now you have become diluted into the ordinary civil life, you can bring into it those characteristics and virtues which you so nobly displayed when you kept what was probably the finest army in the world from our shores. We must influence society not only in the ways of peace, but also in the ways of fellowship and brotherhood, the ways of love and truth and righteousness.” The lesson was read by the Mayor (Cr. S. C. Taylor, J.P.). After the service the Old Contemptibles paraded outside the Corn Exchange, and were inspected by the Mayor. The general arrangements for the parade were made by Chum F. C. Groom, Hon. Secretary of the Branch.

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