Cambridge Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 465, October 1972

The Old Contemptible – No. 465, October 1972

CAMBRIDGE                   I had a very enjoyable surprise when in the Peterborough area, and came to an interesting old church with an unusual steeple, so we stopped. The first thing that attracted my attention was a marble plaque on the wall dated the 9th July, 1967 in memory of the Peterborough Old Contemptibles Branch on the occasion of the “laying-up” of their Standard. Hanging from the ceiling, with the staff fixed in a horizontal position, the whole of the Standard is shown. The name of the church is St Kyneburga (sic) and the village is Castor.

On Sunday morning, the 13th August, the front door bell rang, there stood Chum Middleton. He had come through to Cambridge to join in with the grand parade of the V. J. celebrations of the Burma Star Association. Cambridge Old Contemptibles and six Chelsea Pensioners were invited as special guests, only Chum Middleton from Peterborough came along. It was a grand affair, and we sat at the saluting base with the Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, the Mayor and other V.I.P.’s. There were two bands and Scots Pipers. There were seven of us and our very active Patron, Doctor Salisbury Woods, Chum Middleton and the six Chelsea Pensioners. I think we created almost as much interest amongst the public and the Burma boys themselves as anything else.

Cambridge Branch is still as per usual, 14 strong with some of the Chums not feeling exactly A.1.

Sincerest regards to all our Chums.


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