Hertford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 387, April 1966

The Old Contemptible – No. 387, April 1966

HERTFORD           With deep regret we report the passing of another Chum, E. Purton. Such is the inevitable in our grand Association, its tempo increasing with the passing of the years. We will remember them! Our Branch dinner was successfully carried out in January, doing credit to our new host and hostess at our headquarters. Quite a number of Chums absent, though despite it being all “backshees” (sic) perhaps that’s why!

We have passed another milestone in the shape of our A.G.M. As usual the hoary “en bloc” proposal for election of officers reared its head again, so the order goes out “carry on!!” Glad they are satisfied with the management. Our sick Chums have made good, if not complete, recovery, including our President. We wish them all well. Finance keeps on a satisfactory level. Harold watches that! On this pleasing note will close with good wishes from Hertford to all Chums. Good health! God Speed!!


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