Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 36, December 1936

The Old Contemptible – No. 36, December 1936

CHELMSFORD BRANCH. – Like ‘Johnny Walker’ still going strong; a Branch Membership of 75 Chums; no debts; and a little bit in the Kitty. Our best thanks are due to Braintree Branch for a very enjoyable evening; thank you Braintree. A visit to Southend to view the lights, where we found the seaside (?) Chums entertaining West Ham Branch – that’s the Social side. Sunday, 1st November Annual Church Parade at Chelmsford Cathedral. A good muster, and smart turn out. Our Patrons, including the Mayor, were present. Branch Chaplain The Very Rev. Canon Morrow preached a wonderful sermon on the text – “And these are those who came out of great tribulation.” Sunday, 8th November, Memorial Service at Danbury in the morning and Chelmsford in the afternoon. Branch meeting 7 p.m., 2nd and 4th Saturday each month. Headquarters – Bell Hotel, Chelmsford. Visiting Chums always welcome.


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