Norwich Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 371, December 1964

The Old Contemptible – No. 371, December 1964

NORWICH            Sometime (sic) has passed since my last report from this Branch, but we have had a good schedule with one exception. At our meeting on 20th August, one of our Chums had a stroke and was taken to hospital, and we regret to report he passed away during the night.

On 3rd September we held our annual church parade, at Norwich Cathedral, headed by the Salvation Army band. As a special concession to the Jubilee year, the Dean and Chapter allowed the sounding of the “Last Post” and “Reveille.” On 11th September members and ladies went to Gorleston for old time music hall. Afterwards a supper was supplied, a good time was had by all. On Sunday, 11th October, the Branch travelled to Dereham for a church parade, to include the Dereham and district Chums. The following day the Branch attended the Nurse Cavell memorial service, and placed a wreath on the grave.

That will be all for the present, so I will conclude with best wishes to all Chums. Cheerio!


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