Chelmsford Chums hold first Annual Dinner – 12 January 1935

Essex Chronicle – 18 January 1935

OLD CONTEMPTIBLES’ ASSOCIATION. – The first annual supper of the Chelmsford Branch took place at Cannon’s Restaurant on Saturday. Chum F. J. Grinham, Vice-President, presided, and among those present was the Mayor, Cr. Sidney C. Taylor. An apology for absence was received from Ald. J. O. Thompson, O.B.E., J.P., a Patron of the Branch. In giving the toast of “The Old Contemptibles’ Association.” Chum Grinham said they were now in their twenty-first year. He wondered whether the same spirit prevailed now as in the years gone by. He hoped so, because it is only that spirit which them going. Unfortunately, there were Chums to-day who, through unemployment and other adversities, were only too glad to take a “draw” from somebody’s cigarette. They were the Chums which the Association should seek. “Let us treat them as we did twenty-one years ago,” he added. “We can only do this with your co-operation. We have got to look after each other and see how we can help those Chums who are less fortunate than ourselves. If we do that, then we can say we are the Chums of pre-war days. There is nothing like the spirit of the old army,” (Hear, hear). Chum F. C. Groom (Hon. Sec. of the Branch) said he was proud to propose “Our Branch,” of which he was the founder. They started with twelve members; now there were 64. Chum W. Parmentier, M.M., in reply, said they were making progress, but he hoped they would soon double the membership. Chum Major H. S. Doe, M.C., submitted “The Ladies and Visitors,” and spoke of the excellent spirit which prevailed in the Association. It was the right spirit – the spirit of helping each other. Capt. T. J. Devlin made a witty reply. Chum P. J. Blackburn gave “Our Patrons,” and said they were especially pleased to have the Mayor with them. The Mayor, in reply, wished the Association continued success, and hoped that they would achieve their objective in doubling the membership. There was a wonderful comradeship among the members. A musical programme was rendered by Miss Buckingham, Mr P. Sitch, Mr H. J. Chivers, Mr Toots Wood, Chums F. J. Grinham and H. Minns. There was community singing, with War-time songs predominating.

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