Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 422, March 1969

The Old Contemptible – No. 422, March 1969

CHELMSFORD      We had a get-together on January 8th to present our new Patron, Maj. R. Tomkins, with his badge and to congratulate our other Patron Maj. D. C. Purvis on his being given his M.B.E. in the New Year’s Honours List. After a drink a natter our President, Chum May presented Maj. Tomkins with his badge, and explained the difference of our days to the present. Maj. Tomkins, who was in drill order (sic – No. 1 Dress) (in fact some thought he was in the Navy) explained it better when he ordered a round of drinks.

Chum Brown had a letter from Chum Cotton, who is in Broomfield Hospital, having had his foot amputated but seems to be in good spirits. Chum Grinham, our other Chum, is in hospital. Best wishes to all Chums.

D. S. B.

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