Norwich Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 377, June 1965

The Old Contemptible – No. 377, June 1965

NORWICH            This Branch has not very much to report since the last report. We have changed our H.Q. to the Fruiterers Arms, The Walk, Norwich. During the winter attendances at meetings were very much below average. In January we held our A.G.M. and all officers were re-elected with the exception of the Benevolent Secretary, who resigned for domestic reasons, and Chum Overton was elected.

One Chum passed away in January, and one Chum has resigned from the Association for reasons best known to himself.

There was a good response in the selling of G. N. tickets, and at the moment we are selling tickets for the Derby, to help the Lord Kitchener Holiday Home at Lowestoft.

In conclusion I wish all Chums all the best, and wish them good luck in their good innings. Cheerio all.


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