Nottingham Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 400, May 1967

The Old Contemptible – No. 400, May 1967

NOTTINGHAM      Branch Annual General Meeting held on 22nd March. No change in Branch officials. Our hon. auditor, in presenting his statement to the Branch, said he was happy once more to say that the books of the Branch were well kept and congratulated them on same. Grand National draw books sold well in spite of Chums not being able to get about as of “yore”. Thanks to a few good friends for their effort in assisting us.

Sick Chums are progressing favourably, our three cripples still maintaining a cheerful spirit. Scribe sends greetings to all those Chums who have sent letters, and also looking forward to meeting delegates to Conference in June. To all Chums we send good wishes and to sick Chums a speedy recovery. The same to our Editor.

A. W. W. H/10281 & 538327.

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