Hemel Hempstead Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 409, February 1968

The Old Contemptible – No. 409, February 1968

HEMEL HEMPSTEAD               Please note that, following four months’ hibernation, our next meeting is on 4th March, when it is hoped to have a bumper attendance. There are many matters of importance on the agenda.

On 16th December we were guests of the Mayor and Mayoress of Hemel Hempstead at the Town Hall, where refreshments were served and a good old sing-song, to the accompaniment of an accordion played by the Mayoress, was enjoyed. Chum Tilley, one of our two blind members, presented Patron Mrs B. B. Reynolds with a handsome tea tray made by the Blind Association for her services to the Branch. At this get-together we also made a new Chum, bringing our strength up to 17.

The Mayor, Alderman Fred Mullin, conducted us on a tour to the Chamber of Relics of Hemel Hempstead and it was very interesting.

To our sick Chums at home and in hospital, we wish speedy recoveries and continued good health to all those fit and strong.

Please note that Chairman Chum Dixon is now dealing with Mags.

Greetings to Chum Finch, of Bournemouth Branch. How’s the seaweed, Bill? Good luck and good luck to Chums.


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