Birmingham Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 418, November 1968

The Old Contemptible – No. 418, November 1968

BIRMINGHAM       At our meeting on 28th August, twenty-eight Chums were present. Also a surprise visit by a lady from Canada, Miss Willoughby, who is a Patron of the Plymouth Branch, bringing greetings from Plymouth Chums. She was given a rousing reception.

The business included a display, being put on at the Locarno Ballroom on September 26th by the Recruiting Officer of Birmingham. Chums saw the new Army at drill, the Lord Mayor taking the salute. A collection was taken for the funds of the Branch. It was organised by our Patron, Mr A. R. Archer.

We were also invited for a day’s outing with the South African War Veterans to Elan Valley (lunch and tea free to Chums).

Comments on Aldershot were discussed and Chums were surprised to see so many visitors in the dining room. We would suggest tickets for meals, as for tea. Hope to be there in 1969.

Best wishes to all Chums, and good health to all sick Chums.

A. J. F.

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