Winnipeg Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 414, July 1968

The Old Contemptible – No. 414, July 1968

WINNIPEG            We in Winnipeg do not have much news except to say that we are still in business and although we are few in number we still meet once monthly. We have six members in Winnipeg, and (an)other nine members being stretched across the country. We are sorry to report the loss of one of our most outstanding members, Jimmy Kerr. He was a good attender and was respected by all. He was always to the fore in any problems pertaining to veterans.

It is at times like this that the title Chum means a lot to us and may I add that we belong to a great brotherhood that has no equal.



Kerr, James B.  Winnipeg Branch, Canada, formerly 7023, Q.O.C.H. Died 24th April, 1968, aged 81 years. Branch represented at funeral.

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