Maidstone Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 401, June 1967

The Old Contemptible – No. 401, June 1967

MAIDSTONE                   At our meeting on March 31st fourteen Chums attended. The Secretary gave the financial statement, which was in a very healthy state. Aldershot and Eastbourne were discussed and we are going to support both if we can get the Branch support.

Another Association draw has come and gone, and still we have not got any millionaires in our Branch. It is still worth the trouble taken, as it boosts the old ‘kitty’ up, and that means a lot to us these days, so keep trying, Chums.

We have a few Chums under the weather, notably our Chum President, Lt.-Col. F. H. Peter, who has spent a few days in hospital. We are glad to know he is out now, and hope he is progressing. He looked very despondent on the day I went to see him, but cheered up towards the end of my visit.

Well, here’s my very good health to all sick Chums, and may God bless you all and restore you to better health soon.


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