Sheppey Branch Meeting – 24 June 1944

Sheerness Times and Guardian – 30 June 1944

OLD CONTEMPTIBLES. The members of the Sheppey Branch held a meeting at the Britannia Hotel on Saturday. Chum W. P. Spicer presided, supported by Chums F. H. Sewell (Hons. Secretary), W. H. Meehan (Auditor), A. Hunter, E. H. Morley and F. Wood (Committee). The usual silence for Fallen Chums was observed and the loyal toast was honoured. The Branch business was transacted and Chum Meehan gave interesting details relating to “Salute the Soldier” Week.  At 1.30 p.m. Saturday, July 15th, there will be an inspection of Old Soldiers in the Pavilion by Lieut. General Philip Neame, V.C., D.S.O., and on the Sunday following, Old Soldiers parade at 2 p.m., at the Garrison with other public organisations and march through the town, when the saluting of the young private soldier will take place. It is hoped that all members of the Branch will make a special effort to attend at either one of these parades. Further particulars will be issued later. The monthly prize was won by Chum F. H. Sewell.

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