Winnipeg Branch Activities – June 1935

Winnipeg Evening Tribune (Manitoba, Canada) – 8 June 1935 Old Contemptibles’ Meeting The Old Contemptibles’ Association postponed a general meeting Thursday night for a week because of the death of Viscount Byng of Vimy. The meeting will be held at 299 Young st., headquarters of the Army and Navy Veterans’ Association. _ Winnipeg Evening TribuneContinue reading “Winnipeg Branch Activities – June 1935”

Huddersfield Chums hold ‘Dug-Out Night’ at Branch Headquarters – 28 January 1935

Huddersfield Daily Examiner – 29 January 1935 OLD CONTEMPTIBLES’ DUG-OUT NIGHT Bully Beef and Variations on a Tin Whistle In the centre of Huddersfield last night an “Examiner” reporter suddenly found himself in a dug-out, the only illumination of which was provided by candles stuck in bottles, surrounded by dim figures, some dressed in khakiContinue reading “Huddersfield Chums hold ‘Dug-Out Night’ at Branch Headquarters – 28 January 1935”

London S.W. No. 1 (Wandsworth) Branch Children’s Party – 19 January 1935

South Western Star – 25 January 1935 OLD CONTEMPTIBLES’ ASSOCIATION. Children Entertained at Wandsworth. The S.W. No. 1 Branch of the “Old Contemptibles” entertained their members’ children to their annual party on Saturday. Over 150 children sat down to tea in a tastefully decorated room at the “Alma Hotel,” York-road. During the meal the guestsContinue reading “London S.W. No. 1 (Wandsworth) Branch Children’s Party – 19 January 1935”

Chelmsford Chums hold first Annual Dinner – 12 January 1935

Essex Chronicle – 18 January 1935 OLD CONTEMPTIBLES’ ASSOCIATION. – The first annual supper of the Chelmsford Branch took place at Cannon’s Restaurant on Saturday. Chum F. J. Grinham, Vice-President, presided, and among those present was the Mayor, Cr. Sidney C. Taylor. An apology for absence was received from Ald. J. O. Thompson, O.B.E., J.P.,Continue reading “Chelmsford Chums hold first Annual Dinner – 12 January 1935”

Christchurch (New Zealand) Branch Annual General Meeting – 12 January 1935

The Star (Christchurch, New Zealand) – 14 January 1935 “OLD CONTEMPTIBLES.” The annual meeting of the Christchurch Branch of the Old Contemptibles’ Association was held on Saturday night, Mr E. Coward presiding. The election of officers resulted as follows: Patron, Sir Charles Fergusson; President, Major R. H. Howell; Chairman, Mr E. Coward; Secretary, Mr V.Continue reading “Christchurch (New Zealand) Branch Annual General Meeting – 12 January 1935”

Auckland (New Zealand) Branch Entertain Chum Field-Marshal Lord Milne – 7 January 1935

New Zealand Herald – 8 January 1935 OLD CONTEMPTIBLES LORD MILNE ENTERTAINED Field-Marshal Lord Milne, who is a through passenger on the Niagra, was entertained at the Central Hotel last evening by the Auckland Old Contemptibles’ Association. Captain F. Short presided, and those present included Major-General Sir George Richardson, Captain W. Attwell, Colonel R. B.Continue reading “Auckland (New Zealand) Branch Entertain Chum Field-Marshal Lord Milne – 7 January 1935”

Leeds and District Branch Annual Dinner – 6 December 1935

Leeds Mercury – 7 December 1935 OLD CONTEMPTIBLES. PRESENTATION TO MR C. H. CRIBBES IN LEEDS. A grandmother clock and pair of ornaments were presents to Mr C. H. Cribbes, Chairman of the North-Eastern Area of the Old Contemptibles Associaiton, at the annual dinner of the Branch at the Guildford Hotel, Leeds, last night. MrContinue reading “Leeds and District Branch Annual Dinner – 6 December 1935”

Taunton Chums hold Christmas Party – 19 December 1935

Taunton Courier; Bristol and Exeter Journal and Western Advertiser – 25 December 1935 OLD CONTEMPTIBLES’ ASSOCIATION. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CHILDREN’S PARTY. The annual Christmas party organised by Taunton branch of the Old Contemptibles’ Association was held at the Corner House Cafe, Taunton, on Thursday, when a party of about 120 children and wives of the “Chums”Continue reading “Taunton Chums hold Christmas Party – 19 December 1935”

Peterborough Branch Dance raises funds to help Chums – 26 November 1935

Peterborough Standard – 29 November 1935 OLD CONTEMPTIBLES’ DANCE. – The Peterborough Branch of the Old Contemptibles’ Association held a dance on Tuesday at the Grand Hotel in aid of a number of unfortunate members who are in distress. About 100 people danced to George Fovargue and his band. The M.C. was Capt. Newell, M.C.,Continue reading “Peterborough Branch Dance raises funds to help Chums – 26 November 1935”

Wellington (New Zealand) Branch Activities – November 1935

Wellington Evening Post (New Zealand) – 22 November 1935 OLD CONTEMPTIBLES The monthly meeting of the Wellington Branch of the Old Contemptibles’ Association was well attended, and good progress was shown by the various committees. The principal business concerned social activities, and the details of a social and dance to be held in the AllenContinue reading “Wellington (New Zealand) Branch Activities – November 1935”

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