Mid-Somerset Chums Remember Fallen Comrades – 17 November 1957

Cheddar Valley Gazette & Isle of Wedmore and Medip Journal – 22 November 1957 Old Contemptibles Association Remembrance Service at Coxley The Mid-Somerset Branch of the Old Contemptibles’ Association held their annual Remembrance Service at Christ Church, Coxley, on Sunday evening. In spite of the fog many local branches of the British Legion and theirContinue reading “Mid-Somerset Chums Remember Fallen Comrades – 17 November 1957”

Bedford Branch Church Parade – 1 September 1957

Bedfordshire Times and Bedfordshire Standard – 7 September 1957 A Day of Memories Old Contemptibles marched through the streets of Bedford to their annual service on Sunday with the Standards of their different regiments bringing back to minds of onlookers the struggle for freedom on French soil in 1914. “We are apt to forget howContinue reading “Bedford Branch Church Parade – 1 September 1957”

Pontypridd Chums Remember Fallen Comrades – 4 August 1957

Pontypridd Observer and Glamorgan Free Press – 3 August 1957 MEN WHO ‘SAVED THE WORLD’ They Will March Again Tomorrow (Sunday) “the men who saved the world” will march again. Pontypridd’s “Old Contemptibles” – survivors of the first British Expeditionary Force of August-November 1914 – will be holding their annual service at Hawthorn Baptist Church,Continue reading “Pontypridd Chums Remember Fallen Comrades – 4 August 1957”

The Death of Chum Bertie Wilson, of the Peterborough Branch – 27 September 1957

Peterborough Standard – 4 October 1957 DOGSTHORPE Mr B. Wilson. – The death occurred at his home on Friday of Mr B. Wilson, 100 Western-avenue. He was 71. Born at Long Sutton, he came to Peterborough in 1897. At the age of 15 he joined the Northamptonshire Regiment and served in South Africa and Egypt.Continue reading “The Death of Chum Bertie Wilson, of the Peterborough Branch – 27 September 1957”

Chums of the Bishop’s Stortford and Hertford Branches meet at Ware – 19 July 1957

Herts and Essex Observer – 26 July 1957 Old Contemptibles Meet at Ware The Bishop’s Stortford Branch of the Old Contemptibles Association held their meeting on Friday at the French Horn, Ware, where they were welcomed by Mr and Mrs A. Thurgood, their former hosts at the Reindeer Hotel, Bishop’s Stortford. The Branch’s offspring, theContinue reading “Chums of the Bishop’s Stortford and Hertford Branches meet at Ware – 19 July 1957”

The Death of Chum Sidney Frank Godley V.C., of the Founder (Hackney) Branch – 29 June 1957

The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post – 2 July 1957 Obituary Mr F. S. (sic) GODLEY, V.C. Mr Frank Sidney (sic – Sidney Frank) Godley, V.C., who has died aged 67, won his Victoria Cross while serving as a Private with the 4th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers, City of London Regiment, in the defence of VimyContinue reading “The Death of Chum Sidney Frank Godley V.C., of the Founder (Hackney) Branch – 29 June 1957”

Permission Granted to mark Gainsborough Branch Chums’ Graves with Memorial Plaques – February 1957

Lincolnshire Echo – 5 February 1957 GRAVE PLAQUES FOR OLD CONTEMPTIBLES Gainsborough Urban Council have granted an application of Gainsborough Old Contemptibles Association for permission to erect plaques, which are a replica of the Association badge, on the graves of past members in the cemeteries under the Council’s control. The erection of the plaques isContinue reading “Permission Granted to mark Gainsborough Branch Chums’ Graves with Memorial Plaques – February 1957”

The Death of Chum Tom Hoare, B.E.M., Chairman of the Canterbury Branch – 7 January 1957

Kent Messenger – 11 January 1957 The Mother Church Honours one of her Brave Sons The Last Post has sounded for Tom Hoare, of Canterbury Cathedral. Chairman of the Canterbury Branch of the Old Contemptibles’ Association, Tom died on Monday evening, aged 66. He had just left a meeting of the Branch when he collapsed.Continue reading “The Death of Chum Tom Hoare, B.E.M., Chairman of the Canterbury Branch – 7 January 1957”

Halifax Branch Annual Dinner – 14 February 1957

Halifax Daily Courier and Guardian – 15 February 1957 MEMORIES TAKE THEM BACK MORE THAN FORTY YEARS Halifax ‘Old Contemptibles’ Together Again “Somebody turned on the radio and there was a sudden, plaintive crooner and a dance band. But these men – the men who are left and are growing old – these men heardContinue reading “Halifax Branch Annual Dinner – 14 February 1957”

Annual General Meeting of the Tunbridge Wells (Belcher V.C.) Branch – 12 April 1957

Sevenoaks Chronicle, Westerham Courier and Kentish Advertiser – 19 April 1957 £300 AID FOR OLD CONTEMPTIBLES “Grants totalling £300 have been given to needy members of the Tunbridge Wells Branch of the Old Contemptibles’ Association during the past few years, the Secretary, Mr F. Newton, told members of the Branch at their annual dinner atContinue reading “Annual General Meeting of the Tunbridge Wells (Belcher V.C.) Branch – 12 April 1957”

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