Sunderland Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 389, June 1966

The Old Contemptible – No. 389, June 1966 SUNDERLAND                The A.G.M. was held in the headquarters on the 24th March, 15 Chums being present. The Chairman tended his resignation owing to his wife’s ill-health, Chum Marshall being elected as Chairman in his place. Chum Bowmaker agreed to be Vice-Chairman. Chum Nichols, who is in hospital,Continue reading “Sunderland Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 389, June 1966”

Woolwich and District Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 389, June 1966

The Old Contemptible – No. 389, June 1966 WOOLWICH & DISTRICT                  The Branch at the moment is very busy in making arrangements for the annual service and parade at St Paul’s, at which we hope to have a good muster. We are also awaiting news of the arrangements of London Borough of Greenwich who areContinue reading “Woolwich and District Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 389, June 1966”

City of New Sarum (Salisbury) Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 389, June 1966

The Old Contemptible – No. 389, June 1966 CITY OF NEW SARUM              With nothing of special interest arising from the first of our April meetings, the concentration of these notes is on the second, our A.G.M., although at one time it looked as if that would be a wash-out due to a most unseasonable blizzard.Continue reading “City of New Sarum (Salisbury) Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 389, June 1966”

Brentwood Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 389, June 1966

The Old Contemptible – No. 389, June 1966 BRENTWOOD                At the April meeting seven Chums were present. Chum Chairman Grimwood is in hospital but making good progress. We also missed Chum Bausor also under the weather. We wish both a speedy recovery and let’s hope it won’t be too long before we have the pleasureContinue reading “Brentwood Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 389, June 1966”

Southampton Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 389, June 1966

The Old Contemptible – No. 389, June 1966 SOUTHAMPTON             The A.G.M. was held on April 6th with 21 Chums attending, the President Chum Major J. J. Bicknell, M.B.E., T.D. being in the chair. Chum C. Bougourd reported on the activities of the Branch during the last 12 months, pointing out the spirit of comradeship whichContinue reading “Southampton Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 389, June 1966”

Halifax Chums prepare to close down Branch – June 1966

Halifax Evening Courier & Guardian – 9 June 1966 REMAINING MONS HEROES FADING AWAY… Halifax Branch of the Old Contemptibles may end on Sunday Halifax Branch of the Old Contemptibles Association has finally lost the battle against old age. Membership has dwindled to eight and the Branch is now almost certain to be wound upContinue reading “Halifax Chums prepare to close down Branch – June 1966”

The Funeral of Chum William Thomas Bruerton, of the Gainsborough Branch and Lincoln Branch – 16 June 1965

Retford, Worksop, Isle of Axholme and Gainsborough News – 18 June 1965 BRUERTON. – The family of the late W. T. Bruerton thank relatives and friends for letters of sympathy and flowers in their recent bereavement. They would also like to thank Mr and Mrs A. Dunbar and Chums of the Old Contemptibles for theirContinue reading “The Funeral of Chum William Thomas Bruerton, of the Gainsborough Branch and Lincoln Branch – 16 June 1965”

Pontypridd Branch represented in London at Old Contemptibles’ Association events to mark 50th Anniversary of the outbreak of the Great War – June 1964

Pontypridd Observer, Leader and Free Press – 27 June 1964 First World War Veterans This is Golden Jubilee Year of the Old Contemptibles, and this week four survivors of that gallant little army are travelling from Pontypridd to London with their Standard-Bearer. Their epic stand during the first three months of World War One, whichContinue reading “Pontypridd Branch represented in London at Old Contemptibles’ Association events to mark 50th Anniversary of the outbreak of the Great War – June 1964”

Derby Branch Chums to go to London for Old Contemptibles’ Association 50th Anniversary Commemorations – June 1964

Derby Evening Telegraph – 3 June 1964 OLD CONTEMPTIBLES TO CELEBRATE JUBILEE A three-day visit to London is the exciting prospect for 11 veterans of the 1914-18 War from Derby – all members of Derby Branch of the Old Contemptibles Association, having come under fire in France before November 22, 1914. The ages of thoseContinue reading “Derby Branch Chums to go to London for Old Contemptibles’ Association 50th Anniversary Commemorations – June 1964”

Floral Display Celebrates Weymouth Branch – June 1964

Bristol Evening Post – 23 June 1964 A BADGE OF FLOWERS THAT TAKES THEM BACK FIFTY YEARS Weymouth floral display in the Greenhill Gardens – a feature always popular with visitors – this year is an artistic and skilfully made replica of the Old Contemptibles’ Association badge, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the outbreakContinue reading “Floral Display Celebrates Weymouth Branch – June 1964”

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