Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 427, August 1969

The Old Contemptible – No. 427, August 1969 CHELMSFORD                Attendance at our last meeting was smaller than usual owing to the absence of our three stalwarts. Chum J. Bugg sent a message to say he was under the weather and Chum May, our President, and Chum Hewitt, who perhaps did not feel too good afterContinue reading “Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 427, August 1969”

Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 438, July 1970

The Old Contemptible – No. 438, July 1970 CHELMSFORD                The Conference is over and Branches will be checking up the efforts of the delegates to see if they have done anything to improve the lot of the smaller Branches. We should like to attend the annual Conference and church parade, but cannot afford it. ThereContinue reading “Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 438, July 1970”

Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 392, September 1966

The Old Contemptible – No. 392, September 1966 CHELMSFORD      I am pleased to report the Branch is still in being, but attendance for the monthly meeting only average 7. So it seems we shall have to reduce our meeting still more, as the travel problem is very acute. Chum Hansell has had to return toContinue reading “Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 392, September 1966”

Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 489, October 1974

The Old Contemptible – No. 489, October 1974 CHELMSFORD                Please accept my apologies for lack of news in the last few months. Although we still have our monthly meetings and the Chums are keeping in fairly good health, with the help of our only active Patron Norman, who takes on so many duties that weContinue reading “Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 489, October 1974”

Chelmsford Branch Annual General Meeting – 14 January 1948

Essex Chronicle – 16 January 1948 OLD CONTEMPTIBLES. – Many old soldiers wearing the Mons Star (sic) attended the annual meeting of the Chelmsford Branch of the Old Contemptibles’ Association at the Three Cups Hotel on Wednesday. Chum E. Salmon, President, was in the chair. Satisfactory reports, showing a membership of 79 and credit balance,Continue reading “Chelmsford Branch Annual General Meeting – 14 January 1948”

Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 197, June 1950

The Old Contemptible – No. 197, June 1950 CHELMSFORD.  The Officers of the Branch and all regular attending Chums were gratified to see such a good attendance at our last Branch meeting. Chum James of Braintree Branch and a member of Jubilee Reunion Working Committee paid us a visit and gave a very detailed accountContinue reading “Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 197, June 1950”

Cenotaph Flag Dedicated at Chelmsford Branch Church Parade – 18 August 1946

Essex Chronicle – 9 August 1946 OLD CONTEMPTIBLES. – At the annual church parade of the Chelmsford Branch on Sunday, August 18, the Cenotaph flag recently presented to them will be dedicated by Provost Morrow, their Chaplain, at the 11 a.m. service at the Cathedral. The Branch will fall in at Headquarters, the Three CupsContinue reading “Cenotaph Flag Dedicated at Chelmsford Branch Church Parade – 18 August 1946”

Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 460, May 1972

The Old Contemptible – No. 460, May 1972 CHELMSFORD                    Our March meeting (the first in 1972) was well attended, which was also our A.G.M., and as we now have only eight Chums it means that the old faithful will carry on. Our Chairman gave a report for 1971, in which we lost three Chums. However,Continue reading “Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 460, May 1972”

Chelmsford Branch hold Annual General Meeting – 13 January 1934

Essex Chronicle – 19 January 1934 “OLD CONTEMPTIBLES’ ASSOCIATION. – The Chelmsford Branch held their first General Meeting on Saturday at their Headquarters, the New Barn Inn, King’s Road. – The Hon. Sec. (Chum F. C. Groom) in his report gave an excellent account of the Branch activities since its inception in July last. TheContinue reading “Chelmsford Branch hold Annual General Meeting – 13 January 1934”

Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 473, June 1973

The Old Contemptible – No. 473, June 1973 CHELMSFORD         Our late Secretary has moved out of the area, but we are still fortunate to have a Treasurer, and with the help of our valuable Patron, Norman Frostick, is prepared to carry on the job. We shall be able to nominate our next President at theContinue reading “Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 473, June 1973”

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