Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 15, January 1935

The Old Contemptible – No. 15, January 1935 CHELMSFORD BRANCH. – Formed July 1st, 1933, has progressed steadily. Membership is 58 paid-up Chums. A series of Dances arranged for winter months, the first occasion proving popular and successful. “Little Irene” the Dagenham Branch Mascot, gave a turn; her singing and dancing were much appreciated. WeContinue reading “Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 15, January 1935”

Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 367, August 1964

The Old Contemptible – No. 367, August 1964 CHELMSFORD         Our 50th anniversary celebrations are over and our thanks are due to all those who made these possible. They were well attended by the Chums of this Branch and the Albert Hall show was greatly enjoyed. It is a pity the selling of programmes broke down.Continue reading “Chelmsford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 367, August 1964”

Dispensation Presented to the Chelmsford Branch – 30 September 1933

Essex Chronicle – 29 September 1933 “OLD CONTEMPTIBLES. – A Branch is in course of formation at Chelmsford. Already there are 47 members. The Mayor (Cr. H. Wright, M.B.E., J.P.) and Ald. J. O. Thompson, O.B.E., J.P., have expressed their willingness to help the Branch: Canon W. E. R. Morrow has agreed to become Chaplain,Continue reading “Dispensation Presented to the Chelmsford Branch – 30 September 1933”

Chelmsford Branch Increase in Strength – January 1948

Essex Newsman – Herald – 16 January 1948 On the Increase “Membership of the Chelmsford Branch of the Old Contemptibles’ Association is on the increase. True, these grey-haired “Boys of the Old Brigade,” who faced the Kaiser’s Uhlans at Mons and Ypres, never die, but only fade away. At the same time, anyone not wellContinue reading “Chelmsford Branch Increase in Strength – January 1948”

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