Hertford Branch Meet at Ware – 20 October 1950

Hertfordshire Mercury and County Press – 27 October 1950 Old Contemptibles. – A meeting of the Hertford Branch of the Old Contemptibles’ Association was held for the first time in Ware on Friday, when 29 members from Ware, Hertford, Hoddesdon, and Hertford Heath attended. The usual venue is at Hertford. The Chairman was Alderman V.Continue reading “Hertford Branch Meet at Ware – 20 October 1950”

Hertford Chums Parade at St Paul’s Cathedral – 21 May 1939

Hertfordshire Mercury and County Press – 26 May 1939 Old Contemptibles. – Members of the Hertford Branch of the Old Contemptibles Association attended a parade service at St Paul’s Cathedral on Sunday, at which 3,200 ex-service men were present. The Hertford contingent, under Lieut.-Col. F. Sworder, numbered 51. The Hertford Standard was carried by MrContinue reading “Hertford Chums Parade at St Paul’s Cathedral – 21 May 1939”

Hertford Branch Chums at South East Midland Area Rally – 16 July 1939

Hertford Mercury – 21 July 1939 “Old Contemptibles’ Association. – Members of the Hertford Branch attended the South-East Midland Area Annual Rally at Slough on Sunday last. Assembling at the station the parade, headed by the drums and fifes of the 1st Scots Guards and supported by the band of the 4th Royal Berks Regiment,Continue reading “Hertford Branch Chums at South East Midland Area Rally – 16 July 1939”

Hertford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 380, September 1965

The Old Contemptible – No. 380, September 1965 HERTFORD.  August, 1965 – 51 years after. What a time they take to fade away! Even the clerk of the weather seems to team up with Father Time to try and hasten the inevitable, but like the army mules we once knew, we still dig our heelsContinue reading “Hertford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 380, September 1965”

Hertford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 434, March 1970

The Old Contemptible – No. 434, March 1970 HERTFORD.  Greetings to all Chums from all Chums at Hertford, where we contrive to “keep our end up” and show the badge. In common with all Branches our number is shrinking, having lost Chum Bert Thody this month. I am sorry to report that Chum Selby isContinue reading “Hertford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 434, March 1970”

Hertford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 502, November 1975

The Old Contemptible – No. 502, November 1975 HERTFORD.  A service for the laying-up  of our Standard was held on Sunday, September 28th at Holy Trinity Church, Bengeo, Hertford, arranged and conducted by the Rector the Rev. C. A. Weale B.A. and an address was given by the Rev. Haw, D.S.C., M.A., B.C.L., Vicar ofContinue reading “Hertford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 502, November 1975”

Hertford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 390, July 1966

The Old Contemptible – No. 390, July 1966 HERTFORD. Another, and the last, St Paul’s Cathedral parade has passed on, and taking part in it, one realised that it is only due to old “Father Time” that this should be the last. The old spirit was there, as strong as ever, which made one proudContinue reading “Hertford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 390, July 1966”

Hertford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 223, August 1952

The Old Contemptible – No. 223, August 1952 HERTFORD.  The Branch has suffered a very great loss in the death after a long illness, of Chum Capt. H. H. Johnson, M.C., D.C.M., late of 15th Hussars. He was one of the keenest supports of the Branch and was at one time Standard Bearer. He wasContinue reading “Hertford Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 223, August 1952”

Standard Presented to the Hertford Branch – 23 April 1939

Hertford Mercury – 28 April 1939 Old Contemptibles’ Standard Dedicated 1914 VETERANS PARADE AT HERTINGFORDBURY ST GEORGE’S DAY SERVICE “The Standard of the newly formed Hertford Branch of the Old Contemptibles’ Association was dedicated at a St George’s Day service at Hertingfordbury Church on Sunday morning. A large muster of 150 members attended the service,Continue reading “Standard Presented to the Hertford Branch – 23 April 1939”

Hertford Branch receive their Dispensation – 27 January 1939

Hertford Mercury – 3 February 1939 1914 OLD CONTEMPTIBLES MEET NEWLY FORMED BRANCH RECEIVES ITS CHARTER HERTFORD CEREMONY “The newly-formed Hertford Branch of the Old Contemptibles’ Association received its dispensation at a meeting at the White Hart Hotel, Hertford, on Friday. The formal presentation was made by the Chairman of the South-East Midlands Area, MrContinue reading “Hertford Branch receive their Dispensation – 27 January 1939”

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