Liverpool Branch: A Pen Portrait – June 1947

Liverpool Evening Express – 30 June 1947 Chums I paid a visit to the Liverpool Branch of the Old Contemptibles Association on their open night. It was hard to realise that every “Chum” present had been serving as a regular soldier at least 34 years ago, and that many of them had served again inContinue reading “Liverpool Branch: A Pen Portrait – June 1947”

Liverpool and Merseyside Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 401, June 1967

The Old Contemptible – No. 401, June 1967 LIVERPOOL & MERSEYSIDE    We had arranged an evening out, viz., tea and the theatre for Chums and ladies, but we were disappointed when we learnt that the theatre we had in mind had closed for the summer. There are other theatres in the city, but the programmeContinue reading “Liverpool and Merseyside Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 401, June 1967”

Liverpool Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 29, May 1936

The Old Contemptible – No. 29, May 1936 LIVERPOOL BRANCH. – Very pleased to be able to report that we are now settled down in our new premises; we have more room and comfort. Our Whist Drives are fairly well attended, thanks to the Entertainment Committee of which it gives me a great pleasure toContinue reading “Liverpool Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 29, May 1936”

Liverpool Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 65, May 1939

The Old Contemptible – No. 65, May 1939 LIVERPOOL:  Enlisted Chums now busy with their drills and one or two are awaiting promotion. New members are still making application to join. L.M.S. have offered reduced fares to our members and we expect the first trip to be for the Ashton Church Parade. Unemployment is stillContinue reading “Liverpool Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 65, May 1939”

Liverpool Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 38, February 1937

The Old Contemptible – No. 38, February 1937 LIVERPOOL BRANCH. – The Club was well attended over Christmas and New Year, and some of the old Chums coming back to the fold. Christmas Whist Drive was a great success. Children’s Party is to be held January 16th with cinematograph and concert, and toys to follow.Continue reading “Liverpool Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 38, February 1937”

Liverpool and Merseyside Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 204, January 1951

The Old Contemptible – No. 204, January 1951 LIVERPOOL.  The playing off of the ties in the Billiards, Snooker and Darts Handicap is very slowly progressing. Perhaps there will be a livening up in the near future. Many thanks to Manchester for the invitation to our Branch to send a Chum to their Annual Dinner.Continue reading “Liverpool and Merseyside Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 204, January 1951”

Liverpool and Merseyside Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 395, December 1966

The Old Contemptible – No. 395, December 1966 LIVERPOOL & MERSEYSIDE              No activity of any kind is taking place at present. It may be that some of our Chums have in the back of their minds the possibility of another week’s holiday in Heysham Towers Holiday Camp similar to this year, and they are hesitantContinue reading “Liverpool and Merseyside Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 395, December 1966”

Liverpool and Merseyside Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 394, November 1966

The Old Contemptible – No. 394, November 1966 LIVERPOOL & MERSEYSIDE    We had almost a full attendance at the September meeting. We still have our sick Chums, Byrne, Brooks & Loughran. As usual we send them our sincere wishes for an improvement in their health. Now that the colder, foggy weather is almost with us,Continue reading “Liverpool and Merseyside Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 394, November 1966”

Liverpool Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 34, October 1936

The Old Contemptible – No. 34, October 1936 LIVERPOOL BRANCH. – We were fortunate to have visitors from the Dublin Branch. We did our best to entertain them and after a most enjoyable evening showed their appreciation in the usual way. The winner of the Raffle returned the prize for use another time. Our MemorialContinue reading “Liverpool Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 34, October 1936”

Liverpool and Merseyside Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 224, September 1952

The Old Contemptible – No. 224, September 1952 LIVERPOOL & MERSEYSIDE.  Being late on parade resulted in our Branch not appearing in last month’s News and Views. We had a really good rally at Chester, weather good, and the Chums in excellent spirits. I think it was considered by all to be the high spotContinue reading “Liverpool and Merseyside Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 224, September 1952”

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