Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 465, October 1972

The Old Contemptible – No. 465, October 1972 PETERBOROUGH           Sunday, the 27th August 1972, to us all will be remembered as a great day in the life of our Branch, by the laying up and dedication of a Book of Remembrance, embracing the names of 243 members past and present of the Branch, given byContinue reading “Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 465, October 1972”

Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 404, September 1967

The Old Contemptible – No. 404, September 1967 PETERBOROUGH           Sunday, the 9th July, will be a great day to be remembered, for on that day, in the presence of H.R.H. the Duchess of Gloucester, our beloved Standard was laid up in the parish church of Castor, of which our Branch Padre, the Rev. T. P.Continue reading “Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 404, September 1967”

Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 451, August 1971

The Old Contemptible – No. 451, August 1971 PETERBOROUGH           How time seems to pass so quickly, it does not seem so long since we were celebrating our festive season. I for one must thank God that I am so well and able to get about, as some of my Branch Chums are not in soContinue reading “Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 451, August 1971”

Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 366, July 1964

The Old Contemptible – No. 366, July 1964 PETERBOROUGH           The Branch is to be congratulated on its excellent turn-out on May 20th for the Civic Reception and Tea at the Town Hall. We were especially pleased that Chums Reed (88) and Simmons (84) were able to make it. Chum Geo. Wright, J.P., earned our gratitudeContinue reading “Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 366, July 1964”

Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 22, October 1935

The Old Contemptible – No. 22, October 1935 CITY OF PETERBOROUGH BRANCH. – I should like through the medium of the Magazine to place on record our most hearty thanks to Northampton Branch for the very kind reception they gave us on our flying visit on Saturday, August 31st, and to thank Bandmaster Ward andContinue reading “Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 22, October 1935”

The Death of Chum Edward John Robert Hilton D.C.M., of the Peterborough Branch – 30 September 1967

Peterborough Standard – 6 October 1967 Mr E. J. R. Hilton The funeral service for Mr Edward John Robert Hilton, DCM, 181 Eastfield-road, was at the Crematorium on Wednesday. Mr Hilton, who died on Saturday, was 72. Mr Hilton, a Sergeant in the Royal Garrison Artillery, was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal during the FirstContinue reading “The Death of Chum Edward John Robert Hilton D.C.M., of the Peterborough Branch – 30 September 1967”

The Death of Chum Bertie Wilson, of the Peterborough Branch – 27 September 1957

Peterborough Standard – 4 October 1957 DOGSTHORPE Mr B. Wilson. – The death occurred at his home on Friday of Mr B. Wilson, 100 Western-avenue. He was 71. Born at Long Sutton, he came to Peterborough in 1897. At the age of 15 he joined the Northamptonshire Regiment and served in South Africa and Egypt.Continue reading “The Death of Chum Bertie Wilson, of the Peterborough Branch – 27 September 1957”

Peterborough Branch Hold First Meeting – 30 June 1933

Peterborough Standard and Northamptonshire, Huntingdonshire & Cambridgeshire Gazette – 7 July 1933 FACED GUNS IN 1914. Old Contemptibles’ Branch Formed at Peterborough. Peterborough now has a Branch of the Old Contemptibles’ Association. It was formed at a meeting on Friday evening at the Cobden Arms, Chum H. F. Newman being in the chair. During theContinue reading “Peterborough Branch Hold First Meeting – 30 June 1933”

Peterborough Branch Standard Laid Up – 9 July 1967

Peterborough Standard – 19 May 1967 VETERANS OF WORLD WAR 1 TO LAY UP THEIR STANDARD At a moment when Britain is seeking to join Europe – which will include closer co-operation with former enemies – local old soldiers who fought in one, some of them in two world wars which completely shattered Europe inContinue reading “Peterborough Branch Standard Laid Up – 9 July 1967”

Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 450, July 1971

The Old Contemptible – No. 450, July 1971 PETERBOROUGH           19th May we held our A.G.M., five Chums and one Patron attending. The Secretary gave an interesting report on all funds, also explained how difficult they were to obtain these days. All needy and widows were given a good grant at Christmas. We have only 16Continue reading “Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 450, July 1971”

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