Peterborough Branch Smoking Concert – 24 July 1942

Peterborough Standard – 31 July 1942 OLD CONTEMPTIBLES. The Old Contemptibles’ Association showed continued vitality at a smoking concert at the Bird-in-Hand on Friday night. Chum Humble, Hon. Secretary, presided and compered an excellent programme. In support were the Chairman, Chum R. Sabberton, the Treasurer, Chum P. Lunn and the Padre, Rev. Morley Wells, ofContinue reading “Peterborough Branch Smoking Concert – 24 July 1942”

Peterborough Branch Book of Remembrance Dedicated – 27 August 1972

Rutland and Stamford Mercury – 1 September 1972 Fought on the Western Front A moving ceremony took place at St Kyneburgha’s Church, Castor, on Sunday during the morning service, witnessed by a large congregation of parishioners, relatives and friends of the Peterborough Branch of the Old Contemptibles Association. A Book of Remembrance, given by MajorContinue reading “Peterborough Branch Book of Remembrance Dedicated – 27 August 1972”

Peterborough Branch Presented with Dispensation – 29 September 1933

Peterborough Standard – 29 September 1933 “OLD CONTEMPTIBLES. – A meeting of the local Branch of the Old Contemptibles’ Association will be held this evening (Friday), at their headquarters, the Cobden Arms, when their Dispensation will be presented by officials from headquarters. For this purpose, the President of the Branch, Brigadier-General W. Strong, C.B., C.M.G.,Continue reading “Peterborough Branch Presented with Dispensation – 29 September 1933”

Chum Wellington Middleton, of the Peterborough Branch, attends the Church of St Kyneburgha on Remembrance Sunday – 9 November 1980

Stamford Mercury – 14 November 1980 “A large congregation attended the Remembrance Day service on Sunday at Castor Parish Church. The Rev. A. P. Davies, rector, welcomed the Ex-servicemen present who included Mr W. Middleton, of Whittlesey, one of the three surviving members of the Peterborough Old Contemptibles’ Association. The 1st Castor Guides, with GuiderContinue reading “Chum Wellington Middleton, of the Peterborough Branch, attends the Church of St Kyneburgha on Remembrance Sunday – 9 November 1980”

Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 482, March 1974

The Old Contemptible – No. 482, March 1974 PETERBOROUGH                I am sorry to say that since my last news letter we have lost another two Chums and one resignation owing to unforeseen circumstances which has now reduced the Branch down to nine Chums. We are no doubt like a good many Branches beginning to getContinue reading “Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 482, March 1974”

Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 454, November 1971

The Old Contemptible – No. 454, November 1971 PETERBOROUGH    Our annual service of thanksgiving was held at the Padre’s church at Castor on Sunday, 26th September, there being seven Chums present. This is now all we can muster out of a total of 17 Chums, as the remainder are housebound, and the Branch covers suchContinue reading “Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 454, November 1971”

Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 502, November 1975

The Old Contemptible – No. 502, November 1975 PETERBOROUGH & DISTRICT.  Again we say ‘hello’ to all Chums and widows wherever you may be. What a wonderful summer we have had, and it is so sad to see it drawing to a close for this year. We are not looking forward to the coming autumnContinue reading “Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 502, November 1975”

Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 34, October 1936

The Old Contemptible – No. 34, October 1936 PETERBORO’ BRANCH. – We have changed our headquarters and are now comfortable at the 5th Bn. Northamptonshire Regt. H.Q., quite a nice place. Sanctioned by the T.A. with everything in our favour. Good opening meeting, enrolled four new Chums. New Patron, Lord Burghley. We hope for greatContinue reading “Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 34, October 1936”

Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 435, April 1970

The Old Contemptible – No. 435, April 1970 PETERBOROUGH.  Now that we are beginning to leave the dark and dismal days behind, and that we can welcome in the Spring, we shall find it very nice indeed to get out and about a little bit more to meet old Chums and to have a talkContinue reading “Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 435, April 1970”

Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 416, September 1968

The Old Contemptible – No. 416, September 1968 PETERBOROUGH. On Sunday, August 4th, on the 54th anniversary of the declaration of war our Branch are having a plaque unveiled and dedicated to commemorate the laying-up of our Branch Standard on the 9th July, 1967, for which we are very much indebted to the churchwardens ofContinue reading “Peterborough Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 416, September 1968”

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