Sheppey Branch Meeting – 24 June 1944

Sheerness Times and Guardian – 30 June 1944 OLD CONTEMPTIBLES. The members of the Sheppey Branch held a meeting at the Britannia Hotel on Saturday. Chum W. P. Spicer presided, supported by Chums F. H. Sewell (Hons. Secretary), W. H. Meehan (Auditor), A. Hunter, E. H. Morley and F. Wood (Committee). The usual silence forContinue reading “Sheppey Branch Meeting – 24 June 1944”

Sheppey Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 17, May 1935

The Old Contemptible – No. 17, May 1935 SHEPPEY BRANCH. – At the meeting held on March 30th our Chairman, Chum Capt. J. E. Crouch, made an interesting presentation to the President of the Branch, Chum Brigadier W. G. Lindsell, D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C. (sic), who is leaving the Island, we are sorry to say, andContinue reading “Sheppey Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 17, May 1935”

Chum William Edward Fitzgerald (Fitz), Sheppey Branch: 1877-1941

Chum William Edward Fitzgerald (Fitz)Sheppey Branch 1914: 4090 Company Serjeant-Major W. E. Fitzgerald2nd Battalion, The Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort’s Own) Born at Timsbury in Somerset in 21 March 1877, William was employed as a butcher and serving with the Devon Artillery Militia when he attested for The Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort’s Own) at Bristol onContinue reading “Chum William Edward Fitzgerald (Fitz), Sheppey Branch: 1877-1941”

Sheppey Branch Meeting – 14 February 1931

Sheerness Times – 19 February 1931 OLD CONTEMPTIBLES’ ASSOCIATION. A meeting of the Sheppey Branch was held at the Queen’s Hotel, Sheerness, on Saturday. Chum F. Day presided, assisted by Chum W. A. Morgan (Vice-President), Chum W. Larkin (Vice-Chairman), and the Secretary, Chum W. E. Fitzgerald. There was a good muster of Chums. The usualContinue reading “Sheppey Branch Meeting – 14 February 1931”

Sheppey Branch Annual General Meeting – 3 December 1949

Sheerness Times and Guardian – 9 December 1949 OLD CONTEMPTIBLES The Annual General Meeting and election of officers of the Sheppey Branch, Old Contemptibles Association, took place at the Britannia Rooms, on Saturday. Chum W. Meehan was in the chair, supported by Chums W. J. Mealing (President), H. Sewell (Vice-President), H. W. Hammond (Vice-Chairman), W.Continue reading “Sheppey Branch Annual General Meeting – 3 December 1949”

Sheppey Branch Chums Boycott Remembrance Sunday Service – 13 November 1960

Sheerness Times-Guardian – 18 November 1960 REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE BOYCOTTED – by The Old Contemptibles Sheppey’s 12-strong Old Contemptibles, members of the first British Expeditionary Force to France in 1914 – described by the Kaiser as “this contemptible little army (sic) – boycotted Sheerness’ big Remembrance Day service in the Dockyard Church on Sunday afternoon.Continue reading “Sheppey Branch Chums Boycott Remembrance Sunday Service – 13 November 1960”

Croydon Chums Visit Sheppey Branch – 11 October 1936

Sheerness Times – 15 October 1936 Visit of Old Contemptibles. – The members of the Croydon Branch of the Old Contemptibles’ Association visited Sheppey on Sunday. The party, numbering about 30, arrived at Minster about mid-day, and were welcomed by Chum W. E. Fitz-Gerald (sic), Secretary of the Sheppey Branch. After an excellent lunch, theContinue reading “Croydon Chums Visit Sheppey Branch – 11 October 1936”

Lost Association Badges Found on Isle of Sheppey – September 1947

Sheerness Times-Guardian – 19 September 1947 We Hear That – OLD CONTEMPTIBLES’ BADGE Recently an Old Contemptibles’ Badge was found in the paddling pool enclosure, Sheerness, and another in Warden Road, Eastchurch. For further information apply to the Hon. Secretary, Sheppey Branch, 37, Ranelagh Road, Sheerness.

Sheppey Branch Church Parade – 14 August 1955

Sheerness Times-Guardian – 19 August 1955 PARADE AT ST PAUL’S Sheppey Branch, Old Contemptibles held their annual parade service on Saturday. They were supported by members of the British Legion and the Royal Marines’ Association. They paraded to St Paul’s Church, Blue Town, where the Vicar (the Rev. C. W. Nicholson) conducted the service andContinue reading “Sheppey Branch Church Parade – 14 August 1955”

Sheppey Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 43, July 1937

The Old Contemptible – No. 43, July 1937 SHEPPEY BRANCH. – The Branch attended the Coronation Sunday Church Parade at the Holy Trinity Church, Sheerness, at the invitation of the Vicar, Rev. F. Lambert, M.A. Again on Coronation Day, at the invitation of the Sheerness Council, we paraded with parties of the Navy, Army andContinue reading “Sheppey Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 43, July 1937”

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