South Bank Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 54, June 1938

The Old Contemptible – No. 54, June 1938 SOUTH BANK BRANCH. – Success reported on all recruiting fronts, and soon we hope to cover a little of the nakedness of the North Riding of Yorkshire. We congratulate Middlesbro’ on its growth and are events in the near future. We are now like the Army fromContinue reading “South Bank Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 54, June 1938”

South Bank Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 41, May 1937

The Old Contemptible – No. 41, May 1937 SOUTH BANK BRANCH. – Four new Chums since last report and we hope to report further increase next month. The Branch social side is very active. Concert April 21st, followed by a Dance on May 4th. Proud to be lucky enough to represent the Branch in LondonContinue reading “South Bank Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 41, May 1937”

South Bank Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 65, May 1939

The Old Contemptible – No. 65, May 1939 SOUTH BANK:  Everything goes apace for the forthcoming Tattoo at the Redcar Racecourse. Posters and publicity are being well attended to. The generous help of all taking part has readily been given and it now only requires generous support to ensure a signal success. Programmes are inContinue reading “South Bank Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 65, May 1939”

Dispensation Presented to the South Bank Branch – 1 March 1933

South Bank Express – 4 March 1933 Old Contemptibles’ Entertainment. ROYAL ENGINEERS FINE PLAYING. At South Bank on Wednesday evening there was a special entertainment given in honour of the presentation of the certificate of dispensation to the town Branch of the Old Contemptibles, and at the same time the Branch Honorary Chaplain’s Badge wasContinue reading “Dispensation Presented to the South Bank Branch – 1 March 1933”

South Bank Chums make plans to meet German Veterans on Battlefield Pilgrimage – February 1936

South Bank Standard & Express – 9 February 1936 BATTLEFIELDS VISIT SOUTH BANK OLD CONTEMPTIBLES’ PILGRIMAGE South Bank and District Old Contemptibles propose visiting France and Belgium this year to renew their acquaintance with wartime scenes. It is hoped to arrange a meeting with German ex-Servicemen at the Menin Gate, from which both bodies willContinue reading “South Bank Chums make plans to meet German Veterans on Battlefield Pilgrimage – February 1936”

South Bank Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 37, January 1937

The Old Contemptible – No. 37, January 1937 SOUTH BANK BRANCH. – Another Lone Wolf has joined the pack since last report. Dinner, November 26th, was a decided success. The principle guests being Capt. Miller, M.C., 1st Bn. Cameron Highlanders. Colour piped in by Piper Menzies of the same unit. Room in complete darkness exceptContinue reading “South Bank Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 37, January 1937”

South Bank Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 48, December 1937

The Old Contemptible – No. 48, December 1937 SOUTH BANK BRANCH are not dead but just like “Little Nell,” only been sleeping. Stand To has sounded and now we are up and doing. Branch Dinner will be held Nov. 25th. Some of our stalwarts will shortly be leaving us to form a Branch in MiddlesbroughContinue reading “South Bank Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 48, December 1937”

South Bank Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 35, November 1936

The Old Contemptible – No. 35, November 1936 SOUTH BANK BRANCH. – A most successful parade was held on September 27th. Such a turn out as (sic) will live for a long time in the minds of the South Bank population. The Branch was supported by many other organisations, and the music was supplied byContinue reading “South Bank Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 35, November 1936”

South Bank Branch Meeting – 4 September 1933

South Bank Express – 9 September 1933 O.C.A. Meeting. – Last Monday evening the South Bank Old Contemptibles held their meeting at headquarters. They arranged the dates for their Heather Days, which are to be on September 15 and 16. The method is rather an unusual one. Instead of people buying a flag as onContinue reading “South Bank Branch Meeting – 4 September 1933”

South Bank Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 32, August 1936

The Old Contemptible – No. 32, August 1936 SOUTH BANK. – Cigarettes out… Pipes out… We are moving. Two more recruits last meeting. Enquiries from Old Contemptibles not yet members on how to join are being received and answered Ack Dum. Annual Parade, September 27th. The Rt. Hon. Lord Bolton, Lord Lieutenant of N.E. Yorks.,Continue reading “South Bank Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 32, August 1936”

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