Founder (Hackney) Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 400, May 1967

The Old Contemptible – No. 400, May 1967

FOUNDER             It is with deep regret I have to announce the passing of Chum G. Terry. The attendance at our A.G.M. on 21st March was disappointing, but we were pleased to welcome Chum Perks (sic – Perkes) of Acton Branch, who kindly accompanied our Area Delegate, Chum Press, who, through failing eyesight cannot attend regular Branch meetings. All officers were returned en-bloc, except that Chum Worrall, M.M. was elected Vice-Chairman in place of Chum Hatcher, who has been in hospital for some time, and who has had the great misfortune to lose his wife recently.

Two of our Patrons have moved out of London but we have been fortunate to obtain two new Patrons. One is the President of our local British Legion branch, the second a well-known businessman.

I hope to get a good muster of Chums for the Founders’ Pilgrimage on 21st May (Sunday), 12 noon, at Abney Park Cemetery. My thanks to all who sold Grand National draw tickets.



Terry, G.  Founder Branch, formerly No. 8755, Sgt., 1st Batt. (Queen’s) R.W.S. Died 15th March, 1967, aged 82 years. Branch not represented.

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