Auckland (New Zealand) Branch Report: The Old Contemptible – No. 414, July 1968

The Old Contemptible – No. 414, July 1968

AUCKLAND          Greetings to all Chums from here. On April 20th we held our Annual General Meeting and in spite of the unpleasant weather a fair muster attended. While we are not yet in the Rockefeller class, our financial situation is fairly healthy, and as our officers and committee were returned en bloc, it is neither a sign of confidence or due to the fact that no-one else wants the jobs. However, we look forward to another year with as few troubles as last.

On Anzac Day, April 25th, we were once again the guests of the Great Northern Hotel, through the generosity of our late Patron, Sir Ernest Davies, whose wish it was that the luncheons, started in his lifetime, go on. Thanks are due to another Patron, Mr T. Kenny, who was Sir E. Davies’ right-hand man and who ensures his wishes are carried out. 19 Chums, together with their wives and Branch widows, sat down to an excellent meal and were pleased to have with them four Patrons on this occasion.

In closing may I send greetings to all sick Chums and wish you a speedy recovery.

I. RALPH (MRS) Hon. Sec.

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